B. Reuther, A. Ebert, P. Müller, H. Hagen   Interactive Poster: A powerful communication framework for distributed virtual reality
H. Hagen   Session P 9: view-dependent visualization
VISUALIZATION: Proceedings of the conference on Visualization'02, vol. 2002, 2002
G. Scheuermann, H. Hagen   Vector and Tensor Field Visualization
Handbook of Computer Aided Geometric Design, Elsevier, pp. 683--700, 2002
T. Wischgoll, G. Scheuermann, H. Hagen   Distributed computation of planar-closed streamlines
Visualization and Data Analysis 2002, International Society for Optics and Photonics, vol. 4665, pp. 238--246, 2002
X. Tricoche, T. Wischgoll, G. Scheuermann, H. Hagen   Topology tracking for the visualization of time-dependent two-dimensional flows
in Computers \& Graphics, vol. 26, no. 2, pp. 249--257, 2002
X. Tricoche, G. Scheuermann, H. Hagen, S. Clauss   Vector and tensor field topology simplification, tracking, and visualization
PhD. thesis, Schriftenreihe Fachbereich Informatik (3), Universität, Citeseer, 2002
G. Weber, G. Scheuermann, H. Hagen, B. Hamann   Exploring scalar fields using critical isovalues
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B. Jeremić, G. Scheuermann, J. Frey, Z. Yang, B. Hamann, K. Joy, H. Hagen   Tensor visualizations in computational geomechanics
in International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, vol. 26, no. 10, pp. 925--944, 2002
B. Reuther, A. Ebert, P. Müller, H. Hagen   Interactive Poster: A powerful communication framework for distributed virtual reality
H. Hagen, Y. Guan, R. Moorhead   Interactive surface interrogation using IPT technology
6th International immersive projection technology symposium, 2002
M. Münchhofen, I. Scheler, . H.   A Framework for Information Visualization
CODATA Euro-American Workshop on Information Visualization, Presentation and Design, 2002