A. Divivier, R. Trieb, A. Ebert, H. Hagen, C. Gross, A. Fuhrmann, V. Luckas, I. Encarnação, E. Kirchdörfer, M. Rupp   Virtual try-on
Kaiserslautern: Human Solutions. Available from: http://www. human-solutions. com/virtualtryon/download/VTOBeitragVRAR2004. pdf [Accessed 21 August 2007], 2004
J. Ehret, A. Ebert, L. Schuchardt, H. Steinmetz, H. Hagen   Context-adaptive mobile visualization and information management
Proceedings of the conference on Visualization'04, IEEE Computer Society, pp. 598--8, 2004
A. Divivier, R. Trieb, A. Ebert, H. Hagen, C. Gross, A. Fuhrmann, V. Luckas   Virtual try-on topics in realistic, individualized dressing in virtual reality
A. Ebert, J. Ehret, L. Schuchardt, H. Steinmetz, H. Hagen   Scalable Information Visualization on Mobile Devices for Efficient Information Management
ACTA Press, 2004, sep
A. Divivier, R. Trieb, A. Ebert, H. Hagen, C. Gross, A. Fuhrmann, V. Luckas, I. Encarnação, E. Kirchdörfer, M. Rupp   Virtual try-on
Kaiserslautern: Human Solutions. Available from: http://www. human-solutions. com/virtualtryon/download/VTOBeitragVRAR2004. pdf [Accessed 21 August 2007], 2004
I. Hotz, H. Hagen   Isometric embedding for a discrete metric
Geometric Modeling for Scientific Visualization, Springer, pp. 19--35, 2004
J. Bahr, P. Dannenmann, D. Wagner, H. Hagen   A context and user-driven configuration system for the visualization of structures in knowledge management
Proceedings of the Fourth IASTED International Conference on Visualization, imaging, and Image Processing, Marbella, Spain, pp. 166--171, 2004
G. Reis, M. Bertram, H. Rolf, H. Hagen   4D Rekonstruktion kardiologischer Ultraschalldaten
Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2004, Springer, pp. 80--84, 2004
G. Reis, M. Bertram, R. van Lengen, H. Hagen   Adaptive Volume Construction from Ultrasound Images of a Human Heart.
VisSym, Citeseer, pp. 321--330, 2004
I. Hotz, L. Feng, H. Hagen, B. Hamann, K. Joy, B. Jeremic   Physically based methods for tensor field visualization
Proceedings of the conference on Visualization'04, IEEE Computer Society, pp. 123--130, 2004
A. Divivier, R. Trieb, A. Ebert, H. Hagen, C. Gross, A. Fuhrmann, V. Luckas   Virtual try-on topics in realistic, individualized dressing in virtual reality
J. Ehret, A. Ebert, L. Schuchardt, H. Steinmetz, H. Hagen   Context-adaptive mobile visualization and information management
Proceedings of the conference on Visualization'04, IEEE Computer Society, pp. 598--8, 2004
S. Köhn, R. Van Lengen, G. Reis, M. Bertram, H. Hagen   Ves: virtual echocardiography system
in Proceedings IASTED Visualization, imaging and image processing (VIIP), pp. 465--471, 2004
H. Hagen, G. Steinebach, M. Munchhofen, I. Scheler, M. Ruby, M. Wadlé   Dami-data management for multimedial information systems
Proceedings of the conference on Visualization'04, IEEE Computer Society, pp. 598--9, 2004
H. Hagen, A. Disch, J. Ehret, R. Klein, S. Kohn, D. Zeckzer, M. Munchhofen   Visual inspection methods for quality control in automotive engineering
Proceedings of the conference on Visualization'04, IEEE Computer Society, pp. 598--3, 2004