H. Hagen, I. Hotz   19 Variational Modeling Methods for Visualization
in The Visualization Handbook, pp. 381, 2005
H. Hagen, M. Ruby, I. Scheler, M. Schneider   Topology-preserving distance functions for tessellations
Proc. 5th IASTED International Conference on Visualization, Imaging, and Image Processing (VIIP 2005)(JJ Villanueva, eds.), pp. 674--679, 2005
H. Hagen, M. Münchhofen, M. Ruby, I. Scheler, M. Wadlé, F. Michel   DaMaViS: data management and visualization system
D. Bartz, H. Hagen, V. Interrante, K. Ma, B. Preim   Illustrative rendering techniques for visualization: Future of visualization or just another technique?
Visualization, 2005. VIS 05. IEEE, IEEE, pp. 715--718, 2005
J. Weickert, H. Hagen   Visualization and processing of tensor fields
Springer Science \& Business Media, 2005
R. Laramee, C. Garth, H. Doleisch, J. Schneider, H. Hauser, H. Hagen   Visual analysis and exploration of fluid flow in a cooling jacket
Visualization, 2005. VIS 05. IEEE, IEEE, pp. 623--630, 2005
M. Bertram, E. Deines, J. Mohring, J. Jegorovs, H. Hagen   Phonon tracing for auralization and visualization of sound
Visualization, 2005. VIS 05. IEEE, IEEE, pp. 151--158, 2005
M. Bertram, G. Reis, R. van Lengen, S. Köhn, H. Hagen   Non-manifold mesh extraction from time-varying segmented volumes used for modeling a human heart.
EuroVis, Citeseer, pp. 199--206, 2005
H. Hagen, G. Steinebach, M. Münchhofen, M. Ruby, I. Scheler, M. Wadlé, F. Michel   Datenmanagementsystem für die Stadtplanung
in CORP2005, Wien, 2005
M. Schlemmer, I. Hotz, V. Natarajan, B. Hamann, H. Hagen   Fast clifford fourier transformation for unstructured vector field data
Proc. Intl. Conf. Numerical Grid Generation in Computational Field Simulations, pp. 101--110, 2005
J. Jessl, M. Bertram, H. Hagen   Web-based progressive geometry transmission using subdivision-surface wavelets
Proceedings of the tenth international conference on 3D Web technology, ACM, pp. 29--35, 2005
C. Chen, D. Ebert, H. Hagen   Visualization viewpoints
in IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, pp. 12--16, 2005
T. Bierz, P. Dannenmann, K. Hergenrother, M. Bertram, H. Barthel, G. Scheuermann, H. Hagen   Getting in touch with a cognitive character
Eurohaptics Conference, 2005 and Symposium on Haptic Interfaces for Virtual Environment and Teleoperator Systems, 2005. World Haptics 2005. First Joint, IEEE, pp. 440--445, 2005
P. Keller, M. Bertram, H. Hagen   Multiresolution surface reconstruction from scattered data based on hybrid meshes
IASTED VIIP, pp. 616--621, 2005
H. Hagen, M. Muenchhofen, I. Scheler, M. Ruby, F. Michel   Interaktive Rekonstruktion von Gebaeudemodellen für virtuelle Rundgänge
AGIT, 2005
H. Hagen, M. Ruby, I. Scheler   Information Clustering in the context of Urban Planning
International Symposium on Generalization of Information, 2005