S. Thelen, T. Bierz, B. Müller, H. Hagen, A. Ebert, E. Friauf, J. Meyer   A framework for the visualization of brain structures
in Visualization of large and unstructured data sets, 2008
M. Deller, S. Agne, A. Ebert, A. Dengel, H. Hagen, B. Klein, M. Bender, T. Bernardin, B. Hamann   Managing a document-based information space
Proceedings of the 13th international conference on Intelligent user interfaces, ACM, pp. 119--128, 2008
D. Ebert, H. Hagen, K. Joy, D. Keim   07291 Summary – Scientific Visualization
Scientific Visualization, Internationales Begegnungs- und Forschungszentrum für Informatik (IBFI), Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany, 2008, Dagstuhl, Germany
S. Thelen, T. Bierz, B. Müller, H. Hagen, A. Ebert, E. Friauf, J. Meyer   A framework for the visualization of brain structures
Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V., 2008
A. Middel, R. Pahle, P. Olech, H. Hagen   Policy-Driven Visualization of Urban Forms for Planning Support
IEEE VisWeek 08, Conference Compendium, pp. 40--41, 2008
E. Bethel, O. Rubel, G. Weber, B. Hamann, H. Hagen   Visualization and Analysis of 3D Gene Expression Data
R. Mohr, T. Bobach, Y. Hijazi, G. Reis, P. Steinmann, H. Hagen   Comparative tensor visualisation within the framework of consistent time-stepping schemes
in Visualization of large and unstructured data sets, 2008
F. Michel, P. Wacker, S. Strupp, H. Hagen, Y. Xiao, E. ten Thij   Noisevis3d: A framework for interactive 3d traffic noise visualization
Proceedings of IADIS international conference on computer graphics and visualization, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, vol. 22, pp. 27, 2008
M. Gross, H. Hagen, F. Pfreund   Interactive simd ray tracing for large deformable tetrahedral meshes
Interactive Ray Tracing, 2008. RT 2008. IEEE Symposium on, IEEE, pp. 147--154, 2008
P. Keller, O. Kreylos, B. Hamann, L. Kellogg, E. Cowgill, M. Yikilmaz, M. Hering-Bertram, H. Hagen   Extraction of Features from High-resolution 3D LiDaR Point-cloud Data
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2008
O. Rübel, K. Wu, H. Childs, J. Meredith, C. Geddes, E. Cormier-Michel, S. Ahern, G. Weber, P. Messmer, H. Hagen   High performance multivariate visual data exploration for extremely large data
Proceedings of the 2008 ACM/IEEE conference on Supercomputing, IEEE Press, pp. 51, 2008
D. Zeckzer, R. Kalcklösch, L. Schröder, H. Hagen, T. Klein   Analyzing the reliability of communication between software entities using a 3D visualization of clustered graphs
Proceedings of the 4th ACM symposium on Software visualization, ACM, pp. 37--46, 2008
G. Reis, F. Zeilfelder, M. Hering-Bertram, G. Farin, H. Hagen   High-quality rendering of quartic spline surfaces on the GPU
in IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics, vol. 14, no. 5, pp. 1126--1139, 2008
G. Reis, B. Lappé, S. Köhn, C. Weber, M. Bertram, H. Hagen   Towards a virtual echocardiographic tutoring system
Visualization in Medicine and Life Sciences, Springer, pp. 99--119, 2008
J. Bellmann, F. Michel, E. Deines, M. Hering-Bertram, J. Mohring, H. Hagen   Sound tracing: Rendering listener specific acoustic room properties
Computer Graphics Forum, Wiley Online Library, vol. 27, pp. 943--950, 2008
D. Ushizima, O. Rübel, G. Weber, E. Bethel, C. Aragon, C. Geddes, E. Cormier-Michel, B. Hamann, P. Messmer, H. Hagen   Automated analysis for detecting beams in laser wakefield simulations
Machine Learning and Applications, 2008. ICMLA'08. Seventh International Conference on, IEEE, pp. 382--387, 2008
O. Rübel, K. Wu, H. Childs, J. Meredith, P. Messmer, H. Hagen, B. Hamann, E. Bethel   Application of high-performance visual analysis methods to laser wakefield particle acceleration data
A. Middel, S. Guhathakurta, H. Hagen, P. Olech, F. Höpel   Visualizing Future 3-Dimensional Neighbourhoods in Phoenix: An Application Incorporating Empirical Methods with Computational Graphics
in Proceedings of the Virtual Geographic Environments (VGE 2008), Hong Kong, China, 2008
H. Meier, M. Schlemmer, C. Wagner, A. Kerren, H. Hagen, E. Kuhl, P. Steinmann   Visualization of particle interactions in granular media
in IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics, vol. 14, no. 5, pp. 1110--1125, 2008
Y. Hijazi, H. Hagen, C. Hansen, K. Joy   Why interval arithmetic is so useful
in Visualization of large and unstructured data sets, 2008
M. Huang, O. Rübel, G. Weber, C. Hendriks, M. Biggin, H. Hagen, B. Hamann   Segmenting gene expression patterns of early-stage drosophila embryos
Visualization in Medicine and Life Sciences, Springer, pp. 313--327, 2008
S. Petsch, L. Heischbourg, K. Müller, S. Guhathakurta, H. Hagen   Visualizing Urban Sprawl
Conference Compendium of IEEE Visualization Conference, 2008
Y. Hijazi, A. Knoll, M. Schott, A. Kensler, C. Hansen, H. Hagen   CSG Operations of Arbitrary Primitives with Interval Arithmetic and Real-Time Ray Tracing
in Utah: SCI Institute, University of Utah, 2008
M. Deller, S. Agne, A. Ebert, A. Dengel, H. Hagen, B. Klein, M. Bender, T. Bernardin, B. Hamann   Managing a document-based information space
Proceedings of the 13th international conference on Intelligent user interfaces, ACM, pp. 119--128, 2008
I. Scheler, H. Hagen   Generalized Voronoi-Diagrams in Urban Planning
Mathematical Methods for Curves and Surfaces (MMCS), 2008